It was our first time at this beach, but no whales yet...Kimber, the amazing kite flyer, brought her fancy trick kite.
we decided to head to our next loaction at north beach. we scanned the ocean for any sign of a whale, had binoculars in hand just waiting...but nothing. By then it was noon and we were starving. We left for Drakes beach, both our favorite place. I packed a delicious lunch: Vietnamese chicken, spinach salad with strawberries, walnuts, and raspberry/lime vinaigrette, cheese and crackers, and lastly, wine to wash it all down :)
after we ate, we hiked up a cliff to look out over drakes beach. it reminded us both of Ireland, even though neither of us had been...
then it was back down on the sand, where we walked for hours collecting shells and rocks.
the sun was starting to go down so for one last attempt at seeing the whales, we went to south beach. we waited...and waited...and waited...but no whales :(

but, a sunny warm day at the beach, warrants no complaints from me. we had a great day, whales or not. in fact, we managed to get in some one on one time with natures favorite creatures :D

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