In the spirit of adventure i went on a hike at horsetail falls today, starting at a mere 7,000 ft elevation. it's no news to me that i'm terribly out of shape, but add 7,000 ft to that and i thought my lungs were going to collapse! plus it was one of the hottest days of the year thus far. i'm a wuss, whatever. so we hiked for about 12 minutes and decided it was a good time for a little lunch in the shade :-) it was a two hour drive, we were hungry.
The trees were lush and green...
and the falls were pouring down...
along the way we came across some interesting things...
We forged ahead and made our way up the mountain, trying to stay near the water. we were pretty sure we were not going to make it to the top of the falls...i mean really. We went as far as we could go. the landscape was turning into very steep slate and the heat was bearing down. We headed back down stream to find a nice spot to jump in the freezing cold, but VERY refreshing water. felt like heaven!
i was pretty happy after that...
and Kim decided she had super strength to move this boulder...
it was great.